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Job Interview: 10 Tips To Handle Interview Pressure

6. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

It’s important for you to be able to identify and communicate your strengths and short comings with respect to your line of work. This shows the CEO that you engage in self-reflection. Being able to shine a light on your weak spots also shows humility, self-awareness, and the will to better yourself. On the other hand, identifying your strengths shows the CEO that you are keenly aware of what you’ve worked to achieve. Just be sure not to brag.

7. Talk about Your Former Employer and Job

Touch upon what you learnt there, why you left, what you are taking away from that job, etc. This is another opportunity for you to show your ability to self-reflect. It’s also an opportunity for the CEO to get an idea about where you’re coming from. If you held important positions and had many responsibilities, be sure to highlight that.

8. Why Do You Want This Specific Job?

The CEO is going to put you on the spot and ask you what about this particular position appeals to you so much. Try to think outside the box when you’re formulating your answer. Many applicants fall into the trap of giving very generic answers. Avoid that by identifying why you think this is the job for you. Consider how it could help your career, boost your skills, etc., and give clear examples of how you think this will happen. Don’t try to make an impression, just give a clear answer.

9. Know What Sets You Apart

The pool of applicants is likely going to be quite large. You need to convey to the CEO how you’re different from the rest of them. You can stand apart from others especially if you have had study abroadexperience. Employers are always looking for someone with a wholesome personality.

10. Have Questions Ready

At the end of the interview, you may have the opportunity to ask the CEO some questions. Don’t pass on this opportunity. This is your chance to show your interest in the company by having some well thought out questions prepared. For instance, you can ask the CEO what they like best about the company or if they have any advice for working in a company such as theirs.

The key to a successful interview be it with the Human Resources Manager or the CEO of the company is preparedness. A certain amount of nerves is only to be expected; it’s how you act under pressure that’s important. Remember, being called in for an interview is a good sign; the rest is in your hands. Take a deep breath, go over your talking points in your head, and believe in yourself and your accomplishments. With the right attitude, you’re sure to make a good impression.

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