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Job Interview: 10 Tips To Handle Interview Pressure

The interview is arguably the most nerve racking part of the job application process. Job interviews in and of themselves are stressful, but what happens when your interview is with the CEO of the company? That takes normal stress to a whole new level!

Now that you’re a bundle of nerves, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to make it through the interview, let alone make a good impression.

Luckily for you, all you need is a few tips and tricks to see you through the process. With enough advanced preparation and the use of some deep breathing techniques, your interview is likely to go off much better than you anticipated.

Below are 10 Interview Tips to help you handle the pressure when you’re on the hot seat.

1. Research the Company Thoroughly

Knowing what the company is all about is a huge asset. It shows the CEO that you’ve researched the company and that you’re aware of their visions, goals, and work model.  It also shows a high level of enthusiasm and commitment.

During the interview, you might be asked questions that require a basic understanding of the company. Having done your research, you won’t be caught off guard and look unprepared when this happens.

2. Be prepared to give an overview of yourself

The first thing any prospective employer will ask you to do is tell them a little bit about yourself. Many applicants freeze at this point. ‘What am I supposed to say? Where do I start?’ – These are both common interview questions that may race through your mind and cause you to fumble. The key to making a good impression at this point is having a clear idea of what to say. Don’t fumble; confidently give the CEO a general idea of who you are.

3. Be Punctual

This might seem like one of those tips which seem nonsensical to point out but punctuality is very important. Make sure you know the directions and that you’re aware of the best way to get there. Factor in traffic and target reaching the office at least 10-20 minutes before the interview. This will give you ample time to calm your nerves and mentally prepare yourself.

4. Be Prepared To Talk About the Future

Where Do You See Yourself in 3-5 Years? We all know that the future isn’t set in stone but try not to be too abstract in your answers. Having a clear vision indicates that you have goals and aspirations for the future.

Remember to keep your answer focused on those accomplishments that you could potentially achieve in this company. If you hold a business degree, for example, you can tell the interviewer that you want to apply your academic knowledge in the real business world.

5. Without Bragging, List Your Achievements

Listing your achievements is a great way to give the CEO an idea of what you have accomplished to date. Now, you obviously won’t have enough time to list every single achievement of yours. That’s why you should take some time to reflect upon recent work-related achievements that showcase your skills.


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