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Loneliness: These 9 Small Ways Will Make You Feel Less Lonely

Even if friends and family surround you, you can’t escape it. Everyone experiences loneliness – the worst type of emptiness.

On days when your loneliness is about to consume you, try these 9 things that other fellow lonely people use to deal with those overwhelming feelings.

1. Meet people

If you feel like you don’t have anyone in your life, change that!

2. Focus on people

Volunteer somewhere and focus on someone other than yourself. This is sometimes the most powerful cure of loneliness

3. Clean your room

It gets you moving, and somehow life just feels so much calmer when your room is beautifully organized.

4. Be productive at work

It’s a way to feel useful and productive and like a worthy member of society. The feeling of accomplishment is at least a good temporary cure for loneliness.”

5. Take a look at yourself

Self analysis is key

6. Get off social media

Looking at gorgeous photos of your friends traveling the world or falling in love or always having fun only fuels those lonely feelings. Even if you know those are only shallow views of everyone’s life, it’s hard not to get caught up in it all. Set a goal to put your phone away for a few days and spend that time doing something you never get around to (like reading a book)!

7. Listen or watch something really interesting

There is something so satisfying about learning something educational.

8. Do yoga in the privacy of your home

Exercise releases those happy hormones that help you feel good, but when you’re drowning in loneliness, motivating yourself to go on a good run is nearly impossible. Yoga gets you lightly moving in the privacy of your own room.

9. Just do something

Pick something you want to learn and take an online course

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