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SEE 5 Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail

4. PUMP YOUR BRAKES In the event of brake failure and you have carried out the steps listed above, the next best thing to do is to pump your brakes. Sometimes pumping your brakes help your car to potentially or barely start working again. This step does not guarantee your brakes will pick up but it’s worth a try to check if your brakes can barely function in other to help you bring the car to a final stop.


When your brakes fail and you have tried to bring your car to a stop by shifting to a lower gear or pumping your brakes. As a last resort, you should use the emergency brakes. There is a way to do this which and when done correctly it would ensure your car halts completely. You should avoid completely lifting the hand brake as this may a death wish. So what you have to do is this: • First of all press down the button at the end of the hand brake. • After that gradually and slowly lift the lever of the hand. Doing this makes the hand brake work in the same manner as the normal brakes by ensuring that the car slowly comes to a smooth and nice halt. • When the car has stopped, you can then lift the hand brake to a complete stop. • Finally, leave the hand brake in this engaged position so that you don’t find yourself releasing the hand brakes and then struggling to stop the car again. Remember that this has to be done gradually to prevent your car from skidding to a stop thereby making you lose control of the vehicle and this may have some unpredictable results that may not be favourable.
This tip is actually the most important. Many people are usually tempted to turn the engine off when car brakes fail. It is potentially the worst thing to do in this situation as this could make you lose your power steering which would make it much harder to manoeuvre the car. In a total car brake failure, you want to get as much steering control as possible. You do not want to find yourself without brakes and without a power steering. The best thing to do is to leave the car on which means the engine is on and it will power the power steering component giving you as much control as you can get in this situation. Lastly, try to avoid driving the car again after you have brought it to a stop. Get it towed to a mechanic’s shop where it can be fixed and don’t drive it again no matter how close you are to your home. You can also share your own tips to help others.
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