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8 Unbelievable Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight

4. You binge eat

Giving in to temptation and gorging on your favourite foods can wreak havoc on your diet. A cheat day where you allow yourself a small portion of your favourite snack is alright but to go on a binge eating spree will undo all the good that you’re done over the previous days. Be consistent in your diet and you’ll soon get the results you desire.

5. You reward yourself too often

No matter how well you think you’re doing at the gym, rewarding yourself regularly with sweet treats for every extra hour spent at the gym will undo any good that you have done. While it is alright to motivate yourself now and then, be careful because every little treat has far more calories than you imagine.

6. You don’t watch your portion size

Eating healthy doesn’t mean you pile your plate high with salads or other low cal meals. Watching your portion size is crucial when it comes to losing weight, so be conscious of exactly how much you put on your plate.

7. You stick to the same workout regime

The trick to losing weight quickly is to ensure that you vary your workout regime regularly. When your body gets used to the same exercise routine, you’ll find it harder to lose weight. Mix up your regime — not only will you enjoy your workouts, you’ll also see results faster.

8. You have a lot of sweet drinks

You may be following a diet but it will be of little use if you don’t watch what you drink. Smoothies, packaged fruit juices, fizzy, energy and aerated drinks are packed with sugar and calories that will cause you to gain weight. Instead, have green tea, coconut water and natural fruit juices sans any sugar.
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